Quiero (2014) Te llevas mi amor (sig) Vienes y te vas

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Te llevas mi amor

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Música y letra: Raúl Bioque

Published by RB Music Publishing / Ediciones Musicales Clipper's S.L.

Son de las pocas palabras

Que quedan grabadas

A fuego en la piel

Y a pesar de que vuelvo

A sentirte algo más

No las puedes creer

Somos la llave de entrada

El cuento que acaba

Desierto en papel.

Engañandole un poco

Al destino tal vez

Pero tarde o temprano se ve


Sólo te quiero confesar

Que nunca quise perderte y por suerte

No ha sido un error

Y aunque me duela despertar

Y no sentirte por siempre

Te llevas mi amor

Te llevas mi amor


Somos templanza y espada

desidia esperada

Cada cual con su hacer

Somos dos escenarios

Distinto cartel

Y no es suficiente querer


Sólo te quiero confesar

Que nunca quise perderte y por suerte

No ha sido un error

Y aunque me duela despertar

Y no sentirte por siempre

Te llevas mi amor

Te llevas mi amor


Qué bonito fue vivir

Qué bonito fue sentir

Tómame y.....


Sólo te quiero confesar

que nunca quise perderte y por suerte

No ha sido un error

Y aunque me duela despertar

Y no sentirte por siempre

Te llevas mi amor

Te llevas mi amor


You Take My Love With You (English/inglés)

These are one of those few words

That remain

Burned into the skin

And although I again

Sense you a bit more

You can't believe them

We are the entrance key

The story that remains

Abandoned on the paper

Maybe cheating

The destiny for a while

But sooner or later it's seen


I just want to confess you

That I never wanted to lose you and luckily

It was not a mistake

And though it hurts me to wake up

And not to feel you forever

You take my love with you

You take my love with you


We are temperance and sword

Expected apathy

Each one with their own

We are two stages

Different poster

And love is not enough anymore


I just want to confess you

That I never wanted to lose you and luckily

It was not a mistake

And though it hurts me to wake up

And not to feel you forever

You take my love with you

You take my love with you


How nice it was to live

How nice it was to feel

Take me and .....


I just want to confess you

That I never wanted to lose you and luckily

It was not a mistake

And though it hurts me to wake up

And not to feel you forever

You take my love with you

You take my love with you


Nosiš moju ljubav sa sobom (bosanski/bosnio)

To su od onih rijetkih riječi

Što ostaju urezane

Vatrom na koži

I iako te opet

Pomalo osjećam

Ne vjeruješ u njih.

Mi smo ključevi od kapije

Priča što ostaje

Zaboravljena na papiru

Možda pomalo varajući sudbinu

Ali prije ili kasnije se vidi


Želim ti samo priznati

Da te nikad nisam želio izgubiti i srećom

Nije bila greška

I mada me boli buditi se

I ne osjetiti te tu

Nosiš moju ljubav sa sobom

Nosiš moju ljubav sa sobom


Mi smo umjerenost i mač

Iščekivani nemar

Svako na svoju stranu

Mi smo dvije pozornice

Različiti plakati

I više nije dovoljno samo voljeti


Želim ti samo priznati

Da te nikad nisam želio izgubiti i srećom

Nije bila greška

I mada me boli buditi se

I ne osjetiti te tu

Nosiš moju ljubav sa sobom

Nosiš moju ljubav sa sobom


Kako divno bješe živjeti

Kako divno bješe osjećati

Uzmi me i.....


Želim ti samo priznati

Da te nikad nisam želio izgubiti i srećom

Nije bila greška

I mada me boli buditi se

I ne osjetiti te tu

Nosiš moju ljubav sa sobom

Nosiš moju ljubav sa sobom


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